Organizations allow you to share access to your materials data between multiple users with separate logins.
Creating a New Organization
To create a new organization, click on the organization selector dropdown on the right side of the top navigation bar. In the menu, click create organization. Then, in the dialog box, type the organization name and click create organization.
Managing Organization Settings
Rename Organization
To rename an organization, navigate to the setting page, click edit name, update the name, and press save changes.
Delete Organization
To delete an organization, navigate to the setting page of the organization and click delete. Note: This is a destructive action and cannot be reversed!
Managing Members
Inviting Members
To invite a user to join the organization, navigate to the users page and click "+ Invite People". In the window that opens, type the email address of the new user and press Invite. An email will be sent to the individual
Cancel Invite
To cancel a user invite, navigate to the users page and press cancel invite in the row of the invite you would like to cancel.
Access Roles
Members of an organization may have two different roles:
- Organization Owner: these members can control all aspects of the organization (invite members, remove members, change name, delete organization, etc.)
- Member: these members can only access apps and view data
To change the access role of an organization member, navigate to the user page and select the access role dropdown in the row of the member.